Profitable Moves: How to Be a Shopee Ambassador in 2023

Welcome to your ultimate guide on “how to be a Shopee ambassador”! Shopee, a leading e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia and Taiwan, has taken the Philippines by storm, bringing online shopping to the next level. A Shopee Ambassador, as part of this brilliant success story, promotes products on this platform, impacting sales while benefiting from this process.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into all you need to know about becoming a successful Shopee Ambassador in the Philippines. Let’s uncover this exciting opportunity!


Requirements to Become a Shopee Philippines Ambassador

Embarking on your journey as a Shopee Ambassador can be a thrilling experience. But before you dive headfirst into this exciting opportunity, it’s crucial to understand the two main requirements you must fulfill to become a Shopee Philippines Ambassador.

Have an Active Shopee Account

To kickstart your ambitions of becoming a Shopee Ambassador, you must first create an active account on Shopee Philippines. That entails registering on the platform with your personal information, setting up a profile, and verifying your email address.

An active Shopee account is imperative, enabling you to interact with the platform, gain insights into customer preferences, and successfully promote products. The more effectively you use your account, the higher your chances of excelling as a Shopee Ambassador.

Have a Dedicated Audience/Following

how to be a shopee philippines ambassador

The key to making a noticeable impact as a Shopee Ambassador lies in having an engaged audience or following behind you. It involves cultivating an online presence through social media channels, a blog, a YouTube channel, or any platform where your target audience can easily find you. By becoming a voice people trust and follow, you’ll naturally lead them to consider the products and services you promote as a Shopee Ambassador.

Consistently engaging with and growing your audience ensures your promotions reach a broader user base, ultimately increasing the number of potential customers for the products you endorse. The larger your reach, the more value you create as a Shopee Ambassador, which in turn translates into greater earnings and incentives.

To sum up, to become a successful Shopee Philippines Ambassador, obtaining an active Shopee account and cultivating a dedicated audience are indispensable ingredients. Stay true to these essential requirements, and you’ll be on the right path to a flourishing career as a Shopee Ambassador.


How to be a Shopee Ambassador – Step-by-step Guide

Stepping into the role of a Shopee Ambassador is a significant move that can open up new avenues of income and success. To help streamline your journey, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to become a Shopee Ambassador.

Step 1: Signup for Shopee Affiliate Program

Becoming a Shopee Ambassador begins with signing up for the Shopee Affiliate Program. Our previous post on “How to be a Shopee Affiliate” offers a detailed guide for this process.

This program is a launching pad for individuals seeking to monetize their digital platforms. Becoming an affiliate can earn commissions by promoting Shopee products to your followers.

Step 2: Determine Your Niche

Identifying your niche is the next significant step. A niche is a distinct segment of a market to which your content and product promotions will appeal. E.g., you could focus on skincare products if your audience is largely formed of individuals interested in beauty and wellness.

Opting for a niche that aligns with your passion or a subject in which you already have some expertise or interest will naturally make your promotions more convincing and authentic.

Step 3: Evaluate the Market

Becoming a Shopee Ambassador

Market evaluation is crucial in gauging the potential success of your chosen niche. It allows you to understand the competition, consumer behavior, the latest trends, and the overall scope of your selected segmentation. By doing so, you will resonate better with your potential customers and optimize your marketing strategies effectively.

Step 4: Choose Your Approach

Finally, you’ll need to settle on an approach that factors in your niche and market evaluation findings. Hone a strategy that caters to your target audience’s unique needs and characteristics.

In the journey to becoming a successful Shopee Ambassador, mobilizing the right approach that aligns with your audience is crucial. Here are some of the most popular methods used by Philippine Shopee Ambassadors:

  • Social Media Engagement includes sharing your affiliate links on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Providing product reviews, hosting live sessions, and creating engaging product-related content can help attract an audience.
  • Blogging and SEO: Starting a blog or utilizing an existing one to provide detailed reviews of Shopee products can be highly effective, especially with robust SEO strategies to drive organic search traffic.
  • Video Content and Reviews: Platforms like YouTube offer a great space for detailed product reviews and tutorials. Videos can be more engaging, allowing potential customers to see the product in action before purchasing.
  • Email Marketing: If you have a well-curated email list, sending out regular newsletters featuring Shopee products and providing exclusive deals can be a worthwhile approach.
  • Influencer Collaborations: Collaborating with local influencers can significantly boost your reach, especially if their audience aligns with your content.

Remember, the key is experimenting until you find what works best for you and your audience. It might be one or a combination of these approaches. Persistence is key – stick with it and watch your endeavors as a Shopee Ambassador bear fruit.


Benefits of Becoming a Shopee Ambassador

Embarking on a journey as a Shopee Ambassador comes with a plethora of advantages. From earning additional income to amplifying your online presence, the Shopee Philippines Affiliate program has several aspects that could benefit your career. Let’s explore these benefits in detail.

Commission Rates of Shopee Philippines Affiliate Program

As an ambassador, one of the primary perks is earning commissions every time your following purchases a product you’ve promoted. Shopee Philippines follows a tiered commission structure based on various categories of products.

The following table outlines the average commission rates you can expect:

Product Category

Commission Rate

Fashion & Accessories

10% – 12%

Health & Beauty

6% – 8%

Home & Living

6% – 8%


2% – 3%

Computing & Peripheral

2% – 3%

Toys & Games

6% – 8%


6% – 8%

Please note that exact commission rates may vary; the provided ranges are estimates.

The more effective your promotional strategies and the larger your following, the more commissions you can earn and the higher the potential to advance your income.

Perks and Incentives

shopee ambassador Perks and Incentives

Aside from commission rates, there are additional perks of becoming a Shopee Ambassador, including:

  1. Brand Collaborations: As you gain visibility and a dedicated following, you may attract the attention of renowned brands looking to collaborate with influencers or ambassadors like yourself for exclusive promotional campaigns.
  2. Personal Brand Development: A successful Shopee Ambassadorship not only enhances your sales skills but also sharpens your personal brand and online presence. Strengthening your personal brand opens up more potential partnership opportunities and even personal growth in the long run.
  3. Networking Opportunities: The journey as a Shopee Ambassador will undoubtedly connect you with fellow ambassadors, brands, and industry players. These connections can provide valuable learnings and potential collaborations and contribute to your success as a Shopee Ambassador.
  4. Additional Incentives: Shopee may offer extra bonuses, incentives, or surprise rewards for your accomplishments as an Ambassador. These perks can come in cash, shopping vouchers, or exclusive access to certain products and events.

Alternative Ways to Become a Shopee Ambassador

While the direct route to the Shopee Ambassador Program is a popular approach, there are alternative pathways to consider via affiliate networks. Each network comes with its unique pros and cons. Let’s delve into details about these networks.

Involve Asia

Involve Asia specializes in affiliate programs within the Asian market.

  • Pros: It’s excellent for those who have a substantial audience in the Asian region. Plus, it offers a user-friendly interface and good tracking tools.
  • Cons: If your audience is globally spread, the regional focus might not be beneficial.

Explore the opportunities to join Involve Asia here.


OptimiseMedia provides affiliate marketing solutions optimized for different industries and geographies.

  • Pros: It boasts excellent flexibility as it includes various retailers from diverse industries. It also has an easy signup process.
  • Cons: The network interface may not be as user-friendly to beginners as other platforms.

Commission Junction (CJ)

CJ is a globally recognized affiliate network hosting a wide array of affiliate programs.

  • Pros: CJ offers advanced and robust tracking systems and insightful analytics tools, enabling you to monitor your performance and optimize your strategies effectively.
  • Cons: The competition within this global network is quite intense. Therefore, your application to become a Shopee Ambassador might encounter delays in approval or even be declined due to the high competitive rate.


how to be a shopee ambassador

ShareASale enjoys wide usage for its user-friendly nature and straightforward structure.

  • Pros: Its user-friendly interface makes it easy to apply and get started, which is ideal for beginners. It is also reputable for making on-time and reliable payments.
  • Cons: One downside of ShareASale is its limited merchant options for international audiences, potentially limiting your earning potential if your followers are spread across the globe.

Each affiliate network has unique features tailored to cater to a range of needs allowing you to choose the best fit based on your audience and monetary goals.

Remember, becoming a Shopee Ambassador goes beyond mere signup. Finding the path that harnesses your potential to reach your audience and monetize your platform effectively. Embark on exploring these alternative methods, and discover new opportunities in your exciting journey as a Shopee Ambassador. Time to take the plunge now!



How much do you earn from Shopee Affiliate Philippines?

Earnings from the Shopee Affiliate Program in the Philippines can be quite diverse, depending on the product type, the volume of successful purchases made via your affiliate links, and your overall promotional effectiveness. The commission rates range between 2% and 12%, depending on different product categories.

How can I earn money using Shopee?

To earn money through Shopee, you can foster an affiliate partnership promoting Shopee products. Each successful sale made via your affiliate link earns you a commission. The more effectively you promote and drive purchase decisions, the more you earn.

How many followers do you need for a Shopee Philippines Affiliate?

Shopee Philippines Affiliate program doesn’t set a strict follower count requirement. Your earnings are tied to your ability to drive purchases through your referral links. However, a sizable and engaged follower base can enhance your potential to drive behaviors and earn commissions.

What is the commission rate for Shopee Philippines Affiliates?

Shopee Philippines Affiliates earn varying commission rates depending on product categories. For instance, you could earn 10% – 12% on fashion & accessories, while electronics might offer a lower rate of 2% – 3%. However, these rates are averaged and can vary.



In conclusion, the journey toward becoming a Shopee Philippines Affiliate involves several paths. You can enroll directly or join via affiliate networks such as Commission Junction, ShareASale, Involve Asia, and OptimiseMedia. These alternative methods each provide unique benefits but also carry specific downsides.

Your strategic choice depends on understanding your needs and your audience’s demographic spread. With perseverance and effective product promotion, this endeavor can open new earnings avenues for you.

So, don’t hold back! Harness your influence, engage your audience, and usher in success as a Shopee Philippines Affiliate.



As the youngest member of the Hometoppicks team, Adele brings a fresh Gen-Z perspective to Shopping-related content. With an agile mind and seasoned online shopping experience, she offers readers valuable insights, cost-saving solutions, and captivating purchasing suggestions. Rely on Adele's keen grasp of tech trends and comprehensive product knowledge for the best shopping decisions in this tech-driven marketplace. You can find more about her here.

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